Tickets/Suggested Contributions

Join Koleinu and musical guests Rabbi-Cantor Michael McCloskey and violinist/vocalist Eden MacAdam-Somer on Thursday evening, December 19, for songs of peace and unity and a rousing Hanukah sing-along!  Among the pieces we will sing are Robbie Solomon’s Gospel-inflected Peace by Piece, a setting of Rom’mu by Boston’s own Jeremiah Klarman, and selections from the Broadway treasure Fiddler on the Roof. We finish with our guest artists leading everyone in Hanukah tunes, old and new.  Come listen and sing!

Sing with Us  in Our 2024-25 Season!
Open rehearsals have passed, but
Let us know if you are interested

Weekly Rehearsals September to June, Thursdays 7:15pm – 9:30pm
Temple Shalom
175 Temple St West Newton

Koleinu, Boston’s Jewish Community Chorus, is a non-audition chorus open to all, and shares the rich heritage of Jewish music with diverse audiences through performance, collaboration, and participation in community and intercultural events.  Koleinu provides its singers with the opportunity to experience the joy of musical expression and connect to the breadth of Jewish culture, liturgy and spirituality.
For questions and more information, contact:
Your tax-deductible donation of any size will help to sustain our chorus and broaden our reach. You’ll be taking an important step to foster Jewish art and culture in our region!