COVID-19 Policy (Updated April, 2024)
Immunization: Compliance with CDC guidance for COVID vaccination is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. Full recommendations are on the CDC website and are updated regularly. Proof of vaccination will not be required.
CDC vaccine recommendations for COVID are shown on this link, updated March 7, 2024:
The CDC has recommended that people age 65 and over should get the updated COVID vaccine if it is at least 4 months since they obtained their last dose, or at least 2 months for people who are immunocompromised.
- Masking: Masks are optional for all members at ALL gatherings (including full and sectional rehearsals, performances and other meetings (see also item 4 and CDC recommendations for masking). The group will continue to make masks available to members for a small fee. At performances, masking will be optional for audience members, but people should not attend if they have any symptoms consistent with COVID; virtual audience participation will be available.
- Spacing: Individuals will be permitted to distance themselves during rehearsals as they prefer, within limits determined by the Musical Director. To that end, rehearsals will continue to be conducted in a space allowing for comfortable distancing. At performances, it is assumed that the group will need to stand in proximity to one another, and that those who are uncomfortable doing so may not be able to participate. Insofar as possible, virtual access to rehearsals will continue to be offered, which is also a way for members to limit their potential exposure to others and to participate virtually if they have had recent exposures and are excluded from face-to-face attendance.
Individuals who have reasons to continue masking (such as immunocompromised state, vulnerable household member, personal preference) should be made to feel as comfortable as possible.
Members should be respectful of each other and their choices regarding masking and distancing and should not ask others for their reasons for their choices (and especially questions about their medical status).
Testing and symptom checking: Members MAY NOT attend ANY gatherings if they currently have any symptoms consistent with COVID (runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat, etc.). Koleinu does not require members to report a symptom check, but all must be mindful of the possibilities of spreading infection to others.
If a member has had COVID infection (positive test with or without symptoms), they should consult the CDC isolation recommendations (see link). The updated CDC recommendations, less stringent than in the fall, can be reached with the following link:
Given the increased risk of singing and the increased vulnerability of some of our members, however, a member who has had COVID should not return to Koleinu in-person activities until at least day 5, even if masked, with day 0 being the date of positive testing or onset of symptoms.
If a member becomes ill with COVID or tests positive for COVID within 5 days after a gathering, they must inform the President, who will inform the general membership by email, giving the date of potential exposure and the vocal part of the individual involved (so members can determine their own level of concern). The President will maintain the confidentiality of the member who has self- reported and will not share it with anyone else.
Refreshments and other issues: Refreshments may be offered during breaks or after rehearsals. They will be located in a separate room from rehearsal, and those who are uncomfortable with eating in proximity may take their snacks elsewhere (as permitted by the facility). Any snacks provided must be able to be taken individually without handling the remainder of the food (cookies spread out on a plate are acceptable even if not individually wrapped; a shared bag of potato chips or a bunch of grapes is not.) Hand sanitizer will be provided.
- Policies may change according to CDC and local guidance.Please note that these policies should not be taken as medical advice. Individuals should consult with their own health providers for specific advice and concerns.
- Please note that these policies should not be taken as medical advice. Individuals should consult with their own health providers for specific advice and concerns.